Saturday, February 12, 2011


  The first time I had ever heard groovatron, I had a head full of acid, sitting by my campsite in the middle of a bluegrass legends backyard (bill monroe bluegrass jamboree).   Groovatron had landed  the midnight slot of the opening night of f.u.n.k. festival (Victor Wooten's brain child)
    The stillness of the night was cut by the warming up of a saxophone.  As we all wandered up the hill and through the trees in the pitch black, always moving towards the sound of the sax.   I cleared the tree line right as the band picked up an I was hooked.
    The entire band had painted themselves black and wore black clothing so it appeared no one was onstage.
One of the most amazing things about that night was the use of liquid oil projection,  a dying art using colored alcohol and mineral oil pressed between two pieces of glass and placed upon an overhead projector.  as  it heats up it starts to produce bubbles within the mixture and then move on its own free will.  simply amazing.

Hailing from a hammond indiana, this jazz/jam/rock fusion band tours constantly, delivering energized creative shows night after night at a small dive bar  possibly near you.

Here is a link to their song "Outcome SOS"
 "shaunza a night sky"


  1. deffo gonna pass this on to one of my acquaintances who has a similar project.. even though i haven't figured out what it is yet, some kind of music + visual projection performance

  2. Creativity at it's finest I say.

  3. definitely something i would love to see live

  4. That liquid oil projection is so groovy, mang.

  5. awesome sounds, I like it! Never heard of this before.. thanks!

  6. The Liquid Light Show is pretty awesome, great music too.

  7. Blows my mind and I ain't even on acid.

  8. Very good work mate. I love their songs :)

  9. really great songs love this type of music

  10. I grew up on this music, my dad was a in his early twenties around this time so this is his favorite type of music.

  11. kerykeion said "i grew up on this music, my dad was in his early twenties around this time.."

    ---this was aug 2007

  12. Would've loved to be there

    Keep up the good posts

  13. "head full of acid" oh you!

    Anyway, great songs, I love stuff like this.

  14. Nice videos, their concerts must be a lively trip.

  15. that shit looks pretty trippy man. don't mind if i do.
